EQ: How do I use scholarly sources to collect focused research?
What sources should I use? Biography or Autobiography Located in 90s (back of Lib. by the windows) Use the Table of Contents and Index to find focused research Always cite a book and record ALL page numbers used next to recorded facts!
What sources should I use? Literary Criticisms (back wall & island) Novels for Students Notable British or American Authors CLC (contemporary literary criticism) NTLC (19th century) TCLC (20th century)
How do I use a Literary Criticism Resource Book? Find last volume Look up your author Locate page number Like an encyclopedia – but of analysis about your author’s life and works
Click on link to the left: Library / Media How do I cite a source Go to school’s webpage Academics – Library Click on link to the left: Library / Media Access Works Cited examples (Reference Books) OR: use EasyBib.com
CITE ALL SOURCES YOU WILL NEED A WORKS CITED!!!!! Assignment #1: Research Complete chart (may access template on my website under Research Paper link) CITE ALL SOURCES YOU WILL NEED A WORKS CITED!!!!! Assignment #2: MLA Essay Complete essay (view directions) Essay Due: