CENP-F staining in prometaphase and metaphase spermatocytes from B6 and Rb/+ mice. CENP-F staining in prometaphase and metaphase spermatocytes from B6 and Rb/+ mice. CENP-F staining in B6 prometaphase (A,B) and metaphase spermatocytes (C,D) (β-tubulin staining is in red, CENP-F staining is in green). (A,C) Overlays of CENP-F and β-tubulin staining; (B,D) CENP-F staining only. (E-G) CENP-F (green) staining in a Rb/+ MI spermatocyte, containing misaligned chromosomes (arrowheads). (E) CENP-F staining is in green and (F) DAPI staining (for DNA) is in blue; (G) overlay of E,F with MPM-2 staining in orange. Scale bars: 10 μm. Shannon Eaker et al. J Cell Sci 2001;114:2953-2965 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2001