Latest Developments on SiPM for CTA
Previous Production Batch: CTA-HD2 shipped in July 2016 10 Wafers 6x6 mm2 SiPM Standard NUV-HD Technology Cell Size: 30 um
Previous Production Batch: CTA-HD2 Electro-Optical Characterization ≈ 100 kHz/mm2 @ 5 V of OV (CS 35 um): DCR ≈ 100 kHz/mm2 PDE ≈ 55 % DiCT ≈ 20%
Latest Productions New production batches aimed to reduce the Cross-Talk Technological improvements: trench Filling for optical isolation of SPADS Two batches: CTA_HD-3: trench filling with high-contrast refractive index material stack CTA_HD-4: trench coating with thin metal film (still ongoing)
Latest Productions Batch: CTA_HD-3 Strongly Reduced cross-talk at same OV with respect to standard NUV-HD CTA_HD-2 CTA_HD-2 CTA_HD-3 CTA_HD-3 Slightly Lower PDE due to the lower FF with respect to the standard NUV-HD
Latest Productions Batch: CTA_HD-3 ≈ 30% less CT at the same PDE!
Latest Productions Batch: CTA_HD-4 The internal surfaces of the trench are coated with a thin metal film which reflects the light and isolates the spads Tests are still ongoing Some concerns about the effects of metal film on the electrical performance of the device