The transposcriptome in preimplantation development.


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Presentation transcript:

The transposcriptome in preimplantation development. The transposcriptome in preimplantation development. (A-C) PCA of selected transposable elements (log2 normalised count>0.5 and logCV2>1) expressed in human (A), marmoset (B) and mouse (C). (D) Numbers of stage-specific transposable elements for all preimplantation stages (for individual elements=Z-score>2 and normalised read counts>10). (E) Top 1000 stage-specific transcripts in human. Pie charts indicate proportions of the 10 most abundant classes for the top 1000 stage-specific transposable elements. Bar charts display counts for the 10 most abundant families encompassing the top 1000 stage-specific elements. (F,G) Most abundant retrotransposon families for the top 1000 stage-specific transcripts in marmoset (F) and mouse (G) as defined in Table S7. Thorsten Boroviak et al. Development 2018;145:dev167833 © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd