Electromagnetic machine By mark
Question As cutlery flies through the air towards a magnet, does it produce more kinetic energy than it cost to turn the magnet on? As the cutlery smashes into the magnet does it release more energy than it cost to produce it? With modern batteries, powerful electro-magnets attached to modern dynamos is it possible that you could create electricity purely by harnessing magnetic properties of potential energy? These are my questions.
The first electromagnetic motor
Magnet basics
Some basic electro-magnetic theory c1825
Harvesting potential energy
Magnetic AC power
A quote using Newtonian theory What if you could turn the magnets on and off and set the process in a loop? Would it spin if controlled by a computer?
The driving force : W=fd
Dogs chase the rabbit The idea is simple, like at the dog track. The only thing the dogs need to run is the rabbit, and they chase it around the track. Only in this version they are harnessed and the energy they produce goes to power the rabbit. Would they produce enough energy to power the rabbit, who in turn would make them run? Because this is an electro-magnetic experiment they wouldn’t need any other food, they could run all day just by following the rabbit. This is a picture of a windup torch. They cost a few dollars retail. When I first saw it I thought this is what I was thinking of. A dynamo, a storage device and an output all driven by hand. The only difference with the idea is that magnetic forces would drive the handle. Remember Sturgeon and his 7 Ounce horse shoe changing its state so as to move a body 20 times its weight. I imagine a mechanism the size of a washing machine being able to power the everyday needs of a house.
Baseball example borrowed from Wikipedia Fourth strike, into space, as with Newton’s Cradle explained earlier.
Turn to stone, on/off
Self-sufficient machine possibility
My animated experiment (Please see next presentation for animation)
Century old electromagnet motors The above technology is from the 19th century, basically copper wire inducing a magnetic field which is repelled by the poles of the fixed magnet, no more no less!