#26 Ch 20 S 2 Details: Notes & Read Ch 20 S 2 ____________
Chapter 20: The New Frontier and Great Society Section 2: The New Frontier
California Academic Standards: 11.11.5 11.11 Students analyze the major social problems and domestic policy issues in contemporary American society. .5 Trace the impact of, need for, and controversies associated with environmental conservation, expansion of the national park system, and the development of environmental protection laws, with particular attention to the interaction between environmental protection advocates and property rights advocates.
Objectives: Following lecture and reading of this section, students will be able to: Describe Kennedy’s New Frontier and how it addresses (both here in the U.S and in other nations): civil rights defense spending poverty
Intro May 5, 1961 Alan Shepard becomes the first American to travel into space The trip took 15 minutes but stood for the American spirit that said anything is possible JFK inspired many Americans, and shook the nation when he was assassinated
Public fascination with the Kennedy’s Invited all people to his inauguration “Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.” Special recognition to American art and culture inviting several artists, musicians, and celebrities JFK appeared frequently on TV, which suited his personality
Public fascination with the Kennedy’s Speed reading classes (JKF 1,600 wpm) Jacqueline influenced fashion of the day The daughter Caroline and son John had their pictures throughout newspapers JFK and his advisers reminded Americans of a play called Camelot, which opened in 1960 portraying King Arthur’s court Kennedy surrounds himself with young, bright advisers who happened to be leaders of huge companies and knew how to get the job done
Kennedy’s New Frontier (Domestic and Foreign) Medical care for the aged Rebuilding the inner city Aid to education JFK has difficulty fulfilling promises has to deal with a congress that is conservative, similar Truman JFK lacked a popular mandate- or clear indication that voters approved of his plans
Kennedy’s New Frontier (Domestic and Foreign) Economy in recession JFK tried to stimulate economic growth by increasing government spending Deficit spending- the basis for Roosevelt’s New Deal and lowering taxes for companies and individuals JFK passed a 20% expansion of military, raise of minimum wage to $1.25/hr and assistance to cities w/ high unemployment Peace Corps -aid developing nations, not liked at first but became very valuable.
Kennedy’s New Frontier (Domestic and Foreign) Alliance for Progress Helped Latin American countries improve their living standards and prevented Castro (Cuba) from having influence in Latin America Alliance for Progress built schools and improved sanitation and health, tried to break up large estates and give land to farm workers Containment Policy $12 billion later development occurred but fundamental reform failed
Kennedy’s New Frontier (Domestic and Foreign) The Soviet-manned launch in 1961 spurs the development of the U.S. space program (NASA) On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong fulfilled JFK’s dream of landing a man on the moon Kennedy turned his attention toward the issues of poverty and civil rights, especially in the south.
JFK Assassinated In the fall of 1963 JFK had a 60% approval rating He went to Dallas to meet with democrats to “mend fences” with them Unexpectedly he received a warm greeting from the conservative republican state
Then JFK was assassinated by a rifle shot while riding in the back seat of an open air limousine People react with grief to Kennedy’s assassination and are glued to their TVs watching the images Viewers watched as LBJ somberly took the oath of office of president The alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, is shot and killed by Jack Ruby on live television during a prison transfer The Warren Commission concludes the Oswald acted alone
Recent investigations have turned up conspiracies, the truth is nobody knows for sure Americans learned how sturdy the government was in its smooth transition to the next president An assassination in a dictatorship would have crippled a country but the U.S. was able to endure
Details: #26 Ch 20 S 2 Notes & Read Ch 20 S 2 3 Column Vocab (all) Margin ?s A-E (5) Pg. 696 MI #s 3-5 (3)