Entrepreneurship One who starts a Business!
Recognizing Opportunity Many companies began with one person who started a business based on a single opportunity. Small firms, with fewer than 500 employees, represent 99.9 percent of American businesses. Chapter 1
Can I do this really? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LevOTJW PV-w
Entrepreneurs Change America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0fRiGydVcs Chapter 1
Business Success or Failure Sixty-seven percent of new businesses survive at least two years. Forty-four percent of new businesses survive at least four years. Chapter 1
Is Entrepreneurship Right for You? Take the Quiz! Chapter 1
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs Successful entrepreneurs are: independent self-confident determined goal-oriented achievement-oriented with high standards Chapter 1
Business Plan Part 1!