A LEVEL // PRODUCT DESIGN Project proposal – summer task – Year 12 Product Design Your summer homework task for Y12 Product design is to produce a project proposal for your coursework. You will produce one piece of major project for your A-level coursework, beginning in Year 12 and completing the project in stages throughout into Year 13. This means that it is vital that you start your coursework with a strong concept that will give your project the best chance of success. The exam board leave the starting point for the coursework up to you but you must consider the following points: Creativity/originality – You need to have a unique product or a consider a unique angle on a product that already exists. Client – You should find a real-world client for your project. Someone that you know and can communicate with regularly and who fits the chosen target demographic for you project. Target Market – This needs to be well defined. ‘Everyone’ is not an acceptable answer. Size – keep the size of your project to a minimum to reduce the demand on resources. As a guideline your product should be able to sit on an A3 sheet of paper but larger projects could be negotiated with your teacher if they can be justified. Possible Materials – consider the types of material that you would want to use. If you are intending to use materials that the school doesn’t stock then where would you source them? Possible processes – The processes and techniques that you use should be the ones that are most appropriate to your project. But in order to fulfil the requirements of the mark scheme you should try to use a range of techniques but with an emphasis on quality. What processes would you use? Existing products and technologies – What products and/or technologies are already on the market that relate to your concept? Produce your report as a type-written proposal that addresses all of the points above – preferably using sub-titles