Session 2 – From asks to action 5th UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting, 19-20 June 2019 Global Health Campus, Geneva
Session 2 ‘From Asks to Action’ 2.1 – Our offer to countries
“How do we get all partners’ efforts better-aligned behind countries’ plans and implementation, to accelerate progress towards UHC?”
Feedback from countries “Unfinished agenda” on alignment and coordination Need to align policy dialogue, funding and programmes with nationally-led processes Build shared understanding of PHC and UHC (political + technical) Context-specific compacts/MOUs can be useful – but need appropriate monitoring Move beyond rhetoric Make sure UHC does not become a vertical programme in MOHs
Proposition: “Rebooting IHP+” Renewed focus on alignment (1) Global level guidance, learning & sharing evidence, advocacy Convene global dialogue: share lessons and update principles, guidance and tools (Seven Behaviours, JANS, etc.). (2) Country level implementation Strengthen policy dialogue on coherence/coordination of efforts towards UHC (e.g. with UHC-P). Help country partners to develop relevant frameworks. Embed monitoring in national sector review/dialogue. (3) Feedback mechanisms between country and global.
Who implements this in countries? Connections with Universal Health Coverage Partnership Post-Astana PHC collaboration (& PHC Accelerator in GAP)
Proposed next steps Based on UHC-P & SC feedback – a short statement setting out the demand for strengthened sector coordination approaches. Options/proposal for (global) work revisiting principles and guidelines for effective cooperation at country level. Review and update relevant IHP+ and UHC2030 tools/guidance. Working with/through UHC-P & PHC partners - identify small number of countries to build learning/experience. Develop an influencing strategy for renewed attention and action on these issues across the global health community.
Questions for Steering Committee “How do we get all partners’ efforts better-aligned behind countries’ plans and implementation, to accelerate progress towards UHC?” What should UHC2030’s role be? Feedback and steer on the concept note – especially UHC2030 roles at global level and (through our membership) in countries? How do we adapt these approaches to different country contexts? Does it need branding (‘IHP reboot’), or just get on with the work?
Session 2 ‘From Asks to Action’ 2.2 – Global architecture and coordination
Objective Issues for discussion Promote UHC asks and action in relevant global health moments, decisions, and processes, beyond the High Level Meeting. Clarify/promote UHC2030 role in global coordination structures Issues for discussion What global architecture/coordination do we want to see post-September? (Links to para 65 in zero draft political declaration) SDG3 Global Action Plan and UHC2030’s contribution to it. UHC messages to promote in/around GHI replenishments.
SDG3 Global Action Plan Update on GAP and Sherpas process UHC2030 contributions to specific accelerators Accelerator 1 – Sustainable Finance Accelerator 2 – Primary Healthcare Accelerator 3 – Civil Society and Community Engagement (Accelerator 7 – Fragile settings) ‘Align’ and link to IHP+ 7 Behaviours