CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization


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Presentation transcript:

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization MIPS 3000 Assembly Programming Part 2 (Load, Store, data types and sys-calls) Department of Computer Science Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Summer, 2019 Dr. Hiroshi Fujinoki E-mail: hfujino@siue.edu Assembly_Prog_01/000

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization Execution of a simple C/C++ statement by assembly instructions C/C++ statement Assembly instructions LW $S1, (address of B) A = B + C; LW $S2, (address of C) ADD $S3, $S2, $S1 Processor Memory SW $S3, (address of A) ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) B C A LW (Load Word) + B+C LW (Load Word) S1 S2 S3 B C SW (Store Word) Processor Registers Assembly_Prog_01/001

In the first programming CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization Different types of “LOAD” (and “STORE”) instructions  li (load immediate)  la (load address)  lb (load byte)  lw (load word) In the first programming assignment, we need to use these three “load” instructions  lhw (load half-word) Assembly_Prog_01/002

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization  li (load immediate) How does this processor handle this number? = Load a constant (immediate) to a MIPS-3000 32-bit register As a 2’s complement signed integer Example li $t0, 6 A constant you want to the register “Load Immediate” operator “Destination” register “Source” parameter Don’t forget ‘,’ Register name to which a constant will be placed What are the other 29 bits? Register name should have ‘$’ MSB LSB 1 Assembly_Prog_01/003

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization  la (load address) = Load a constant (immediate) as a 32-bit memory address Example Memory address as a constant (immediate) (Using an immediate) la $s0, FA00CD0012 “Load Address” operator “Destination” register “Source” parameter “la” just assigns a 32-bit address value to a register Memory FA00CD0012 FA00CD0012 S0 register “la” does NOT load the contents of memory Assembly_Prog_01/004

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization How “level” works? Your *.asm file Only data (structure) or instructions are counted “label” Memory 4C000000 # ################################ # Program Header 4C000000 H 4C000000 e 4C000001 .data l 4C000002 l 4C000003 o 4C000004 message1: .asciiz “Hello World!” 4C000005 <space> message2: .asciiz “My name is …..” W 4C000006 o 4C000007 .text .globl main Constant “4C0000000” will be loaded to t4 r 4C000008 l 4C000009 main: d 4C00000A ! 4C00000B la $t4, message1 Constant “4C000000D” will be loaded to t1 4C00000C \0 4C00000D M 4C00000E y la $t1, message2 Assembly_Prog_01/005

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization  la (load address) = Load a constant (immediate) as a 32-bit memory address Example Memory address as a label (Using a label) la $s0, My_Address “Load Address” operator “Destination” register “Source” parameter Memory ***.asm Assembled + Loaded 4C000000 My_Address: Label “My_Address” XXXXXX My_Address: Assembly_Prog_01/006

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization  la (load address) = Load a constant (immediate) as a 32-bit memory address Example Memory address as a label (Using a label) la $s0, My_Address “Load Address” operator “Destination” operand “Source” operand “la” just assigns a 32-bit address value to a register Memory “la” does NOT load the contents of memory 0000CD0000 0000CD0000 S0 register Assembly_Prog_01/007

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization  lb (load byte) = Load a 8-bit data from memory to a MIPS-3000 32-bit register (This instruction will NOT modify the top 24 bits ) Example Four possible ways to specify the target memory address Memory lb $t0, (FA00CD0012) 1-byte Target Address lb $t0, MY_LABEL lb $t0, ($t1) lb $t0, 100 ($t1) MSB LSB t0 register  Assembly_Prog_01/008

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization  lb (load byte) = Load a 8-bit data from memory to a MIPS-3000 32-bit register (This instruction will NOT modify the top 24 bits ) Example Memory lb $t0, (FA00CD0012) 1-byte lb $t0, MY_LABEL Target Address 00011001 lb $t0, ($t1) lb $t0, 100 ($t1) t0 register MSB LSB   1 Top 24 bits are preserved Assembly_Prog_01/009

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization The target address MUST be a multiple of 4!  lw (load word) = Load a 32-bit data from memory to a MIPS-3000 32-bit register lw $t0, FFFFFFE Example Memory Illegal address! lw $t0, (FA00CD0012) 1-byte lw $t0, MY_LABEL Target Address 4 bytes lw $t0, ($t1) lw $t0, 100 ($t1) MSB LSB  t0 register Assembly_Prog_01/010

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization = FFFFFFFF (for a 32-bit processor) What’s the difference? Can it be a negative number? NOT a memory access -(2(N-1)) (2(N-1)) -1 la $s0, FA00CD0012 li $t0, 6 lw $t0, (FA00CD0012) lw $t0, FA00CD0012 2N -1 Memory A memory access Is this an illegal parameter (operand)? Target Address Assembly_Prog_01/011

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization System Calls Systems calls in SPIM is something like sub-routine calls in a high-level programming language that perform useful tasks Such as: - Print a message (a character string) on the local monitor - Print an integer on the local monitor - Take a user input from the keyboard and store the key input in a register A list of SPIM system calls available Figure A.17 (p. A-49) Assembly_Prog_01/012

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization Major system calls available in MIPS R3000 simulator The system calls with the yellow background Those we use in the first programming assignment Assembly_Prog_01/013

ASCII character string CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization System Call:  Print a message (a character string on the local monitor) Procedure for SPIM system-call #4: “print a message” Specify the type of your message data Declare the beginning of the data section System Call #4 = “print a message” .data Create a label for your character string my_string: .asciiz “Hello World!” Your message as an ASCII character string .text .globl main main: li $v0, 4 System call la $a0, my_string syscall Memory address where your message is stored jr $31 Assembly_Prog_01/014

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization System Call:  Print a number (integer) on the local monitor Nothing to be prepared in .data Procedure for SPIM system-call #1: “print a number” System Call #1 = “print a number” .data .text .globl main It’s “li” (NOT “la”) main: li $v0, 1 li $a0, 9 syscall jr $31 The number you want to display as an immediate Assembly_Prog_01/015

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization System Call:  Take a user input (as an integer) from the keyboard .data .text .globl main Nothing to be prepared in .data Procedure for SPIM system-call #5: “take a user input (integer)” System Call #5 = “Take user input” main: li $v0, 5 syscall jr $31 The input value goes to $v0 register Assembly_Prog_01/016

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization Conditional branches and jumps Immediate address Label  Conditional branches  Jump (= unconditional branch) beq $t0, $t1, <destination address> bne $t0, $t1, <destination address> Compare $t0 and $t1 registers. If they hold the same value jump to the instruction in the destination address. Compare $t0 and $t1 registers. If they hold the different value, jump to the instruction in the destination address. j <destination address> Always jump to the instruction in the destination address. Assembly_Prog_01/017

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization Examples for conditional branches .text .globl main These instructions will be executed only if t0  t1! jump is needed to skip “if_equal” main:     beq $t0, $t1, if_equal This implements if-then-else structure instruction A These instructions will be executed only if t0 = t1!     j end_if_else if_equal: instruction B     end_if_else: instruction C Assembly_Prog_01/018

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization Copying a register to another Load instructions can not be used for data transfer between two registers Move instructions must be used for register-to-register data transfer Example move $s0, $s1 “To” “From” Simple integer arithmetic add $t0, $t1, $t2 (t0 = t1 + t2) sub $t0, $t1, $t2 (t0 = t1 - t2) Assembly_Prog_01/019

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization Helpful Resources  The list of available registers (B-24)  Conditional branch instructions (B-59 through B-63) beq, bgez, blez, bne, ble, etc.  The list of available system-calls (B-44)  Sample programs for the major program-flow control (pp. 105-111) Assembly_Prog_01/020

CS 286 Computer Architecture & Organization The target address MUST be a multiple of 2!  lhw (load half-word) = Load a 16-bit data from memory to a MIPS-3000 32-bit register (This instruction will NOT modify the top 16 bits ) lw $t0, FFFFFFF Example Memory Illegal address! lhw $t0, (FA00CD0012) lhw $t0, ($t1) lhw $t0, 100 ($t1) lhw $t0, MY_LABEL 1-byte Target Address 2 bytes MSB LSB  t0 register Top 16 bits are preserved Assembly_Prog_01/000