Understanding Beano Day 2
Errors Yesterday, each group was given the opportunity to design a beano experiment. Think about what you did. Did you make any errors? I.e. Skipped a step, forgot to record data, did not establish a control, etc. Identifying possible errors will be an important part of your conclusion. Always be observant and take notes (not in journal) of any errors you make.
Trial 2: Beno Lab Groups: Raw vs. cooked broccoli at room temperature Raw vs. cooked broccoli iced Raw vs. cooked broccoli heated for the same amount of time on the hot plates Raw broccoli iced vs. raw broccoli at room temperature Refried beans, canned beans, and raw beans at room temperature (Teams A, B) Refried beans, canned beans, and raw beans on ice (Teams C, D) Refried beans iced, room temp, and heated (Team E) Canned beans iced, room temp, and heated (Team F)
Procedures: Trial 2 Obtain all of the necessary materials Set up the three (3) conditions in individual plastic cups (Identify your control). Take sample 1 and put in the mortar and pestle add 1 ml of water. Crush sample (this simulates chewing). Add Beno solution (prepare the solution the same way you did yesterday). Use the indicator strips to test the amount of glucose that remains (Test every minutes for four minutes). Repeat procedures (3-6) for samples to two and three. (Divide the work so that everyone is measuring something). Record the data.
Thinking About the Variables Independent Variable: (manipulated) What did you change (manipulate) in the experiment? Dependent Variable: (respond) What are you looking for? What variable depends on the experiment- changes when the conditions change. Controlled Variable(s): What did you keep constant?
Results Food mg/dl glucose 1 min 2 min 3 min 4 min
4 Analysis: (answers to lab questions)
Conclusion (lab summary paragraph) 5 Conclusion (lab summary paragraph) -restate hypothesis / main ideas -analysis of results -did results prove or disprove your hypothesis - possible sources of error -how could experiment be improved -closing sentence summarizing major findings