Violent crime and socioeconomic deprivation by childhood asthma emergency department visits in NYC, June–August, 2005–2011. Violent crime and socioeconomic.


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Presentation transcript:

Violent crime and socioeconomic deprivation by childhood asthma emergency department visits in NYC, June–August, 2005–2011. Violent crime and socioeconomic deprivation by childhood asthma emergency department visits in NYC, June–August, 2005–2011. Dots represent cases colour-coded by low crime/low deprivation, low crime/high deprivation, high crime/low deprivation and high crime/high deprivation. Different colour dots within the same police precinct boundary occur because cases represent 2005–2011 and crime and deprivation Z-scores changed over this period. The inset (previously published in Shmool et al27) includes the near residence to citywide ozone ratios for cases (n=11 719; range, 0.57–1.16). Perry E Sheffield et al. J Epidemiol Community Health doi:10.1136/jech-2018-211816 ©2019 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd