Arbeidsrekeningen Labour Accounts Robin Milot
Content Jobs: The central unit of Labour Accounts Classifications of a job Compensation of employees Employment Labour inputs
Jobs: The central unit of LA What is a job?
Definition of a job: A job is defined as an explicit or implicit contract between a person and a resident institutional unit to perform work in return for compensation for a defined period or until further notice.
Representation of a job: Resident Institutional Unit Person Compensation Contract Perform work
Contract: Self-employed Employee Full-time/part-time Regular/flexible
Institutional Unit: Nace Rev. 2 Region (working) Institutional sector
Type of Persons: Sex Age Education Region (living)
Representation of a job: Resident Institutional Unit Person Compensation Contract Perform work
Compensation: Compensation Mixed income (Self-employed) Compensation of employees (D.1)
Compensation of employees (D.1) Compensation of employees (D.1) is defined as the total remuneration , in cash or in kind, payable by an employer to an employee in return for work done by the latter during an accounting period. Compensation
Compensation of employees (D.1) Compensation of employees (D1) is broken down into: Wages and salaries (D.11): cash or in kind. Employers’ social contributions (D.12): Actual (D.121) Imputed (D.122)
Number of employed persons Employment measures: Contract Number of jobs Full-time equivalent Perform work Number of employed persons Hours actually worked
Labour input: Quality of labour Perform work Hours actually worked Education Work experience
Representation of a job: Resident Institutional Unit Person Compensation Contract Perform work