Homework (Choose 1) Scenario 2: Your friend is moving to England, which is in a different time zone than you. You want to keep in touch, but you need to figure out the best time of day to call so you don’t wake them in the middle of the night. Also, your friend goes to school during the day, so you can’t call them in the middle of the day either. Figure out what you think is the best time of day to call them. Write an explanation of why that is the best time. Scenario 2: You are taking a trip to visit a cousin in Australia. Your flight leaves Boston, at 7 AM Friday and is scheduled to take 18 hours. What time should you tell your cousin to pick you up at the Sydney airport? Figure out what you think is the best time for your cousin to pick you up. Write an explanation of why that is the best time.
Sun-Earth-Moon December 7, 2018
TEKS Standard 8.7A: Model and illustrate how a tilted Earth rotates on its axis causing night and day, and revolves around the sun causing seasons to occur.
Agenda Science Starter (anticipation guide) T-Chart (Draw On back of anticipation guide) Rotation Investigation (Answer All questions on a separate sheet of paper) Video Closure: Video Lesson Handout
Expectations Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking or leaving your seat. Respect yourself, your peers, and your teachers. Be prepared with all materials. Follow directions the first time given.
Earth What do you notice about this image of Earth? Turn and talk to your table to discuss.
Rotation Investigation Listen carefully to my instructions and pay close attention as I model the expectations for this investigation. You will answer all questions on a separate sheet of paper to submit when prompted.