Characteristics Examples Changes over time Renaissance Art Characteristics Examples Changes over time
Differences between Ancient Egyptian and Greek Sculpture Greek Art Egyptian Art
Differences between Ancient Egyptian and Greek Sculpture Hermes Greek Art Egyptian Art
Nike of Samothrace 190 BC Artist: Unknown Identify the characteristics: a. ? b. ? c. ? Goddess of Victory Powerful legs, stomach muscles strong stance. Simple subject, wings give balance`
Title: Socrates Artist: Unknown Hellenistic Period
Title: Three Graces Artist: Unknown 100 BC Three Graces
Title: Christus Patiens Artist: Coppo di Marcovaldo 1261 AD
Title: Madonna and Child Artist: Duccio di Buoninsegna Late Middle Ages (1300?)
Title: Enthroned Madonna and Child with Angels and Prophets (Maesta) Artist: Cimabue 1280 AD
Title: Enthroned Madonna and Child with Angels and Prophets (Maesta) Artist: Cimabue 1280 AD
Title: Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Saints (Maesta) Artist: Duccio 1311 AD
David Donatello 1440 * First Free Standing Nude Bronze Statue Since Classical Times Find spot: David’s hat= Florentine Shephard’s hat. This is a statue for Florence (patron saint). Civic pride = Humanism.
St. Jerome in His Study Da Messina 1455 Trompe L’oeile: an Optical illusion. (here- it looks like you Can step into the entrance Way and into the picture.
Adoration of the Magi Botticelli 1470
The Birth of Venus Botticelli 1486
The Birth of Venus Botticelli 1486
Primavera Botticelli 1482
The School of Athens Raphael 1511
“History’s first modern man” Leonardo da Vinci “History’s first modern man”
Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci 1505
Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci 1505
The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci 1498
Madonna and Child with St. Anne Leonardo da Vinci 1513
Title: Enthroned Madonna and Child with Angels and Prophets (Maesta) Artist: Cimabue 1280 AD
Weapons Leo hated war That didn’t stop him from designing new weapons. He designed rapid-fire cannons Also designed a tank and a chariot with blades to chop off legs.
Leonardo’s Work: Science & Medicine The Vitruvian Man Studies of a fetus from Leonardo's journals
Leonardo’s Work: Science & Medicine Investigating the motion of the arm Organs of a Woman’s Body
Leonardo’s Work: Inventions Design of a flying machine based on bat’s wings
The Sistine Chapel This is a painting on the ceiling of a church. It took over 4 years to finish. Michelangelo didn’t want to do it but was forced by the Pope It wasn’t easy!
Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo
Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo
Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo Adam Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo Creation of Adam (Ceiling)
Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo Adam Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo Expulsion Eve Temptation and Expulsion from Eden 1508-12
Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo The Last Judgement (Wall) Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo
Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo Christ the Judge Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo
Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo St Bartholomew holds his own skin. Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo
Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo A Damned Man Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo Minos– a judge in the underworld
Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo The Saved Sistine Chapel-- Michelangelo
La Pieta Michelangelo 1500
David Michelangelo 1504 Did you know that David was supposed to be placed on the top of a church in Florence? It was commissioned by the de Medici family who were so impressed that they decided to leave it in the piazza in front of the church so that the public could see it up close.
Moses Michelangelo 1513-1515
Unfinished Slaves - Michelangelo
Unfinished Pietas…
The Renaissance Revolutionizes Art Women Painters Sofonisba Anguissola (pictured right): first woman artist to gain world renown
The Renaissance Revolutionizes Art Women Painters Artemisia Gentileschi (self portrait below) paints strong, heroic women (see right). Judith Slaying Holofernes (1614-20) Oil on canvas 199 x 162 cm Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence