Children in colonial times By: Michael F #11
Growing up in colonial times When you grew up in the colonies as a baby, you used a small wooden shopping cart to learn to walk You slept with your parents Here's a video on kids in colonial times from youtube
Or called a Dunce if you didn't pay attention. Behavior In church if you laughed you would get bonked on the head with thick stick In a slightly older school if you bite your nails you were called abitefinger baby Or called a Dunce if you didn't pay attention. At the table it was customary to eat with fingers but you could not talk or judge the food Expectations of children in colonial america vs. today - YouTube
Education Each kid was supposed to learn to, Learn the alphabet Do basic math and read Learn virtues from the bible Depending on the gender a boy would move onto a stricter teacher and different methods.
Games that kids played were Tag Ring Toss Blind Man's bluff Run races and much more Colonial Children's Games - YouTube
Chores In colonial times depending on the gender you get different chores like, Yard work getting lumber Helping mom Doing silverware cleaning
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