Chapter 13: Social and Industrial Revolution
Arkwright - Fowler - Hargreaves – Kay – McCormick - Key Terms
Meikle - Tull – Watt – Whitney -. Wilberforce - Key Terms
The African slave trade became a major industry during what age? Who was involved as a slave-ship captain before he was saved? Which was the first known religious group to fight against the slave trade?
Which American abolitionist was once a slave in Maryland? John Wesley was part of what religious group? Which American edited abolitionists newspaper called The Liberator?
Who was dominant in Europe after Napoleon lost? 1883 Factory Act placed limits on what? Many British farmers moved where during the 19th century?
What French Colony experienced a heavy slave rebellion and won independence from France? The Committee for Abolition of the Slave Trade was founded in what country? What is crop rotation? What is the cottage industry
What effect did the cotton gin have on slavery in America? What European nation was the first to experience an industrial revolution? The New York Manumission Society supported what?
The “Society of Friends” is another name for what religious group? What centrally located buildings became necessary for housing larger weaving machines? What is the name of the era that was characterized by immense manufacturing changes during the 18th and 19th Century?
T/F Workers’ unions developed during the Industrial Revolution. T/F The Industrial Revolution resulted in a smaller middle class. T/F England avoided violent revolution due to the spiritual conversion of many people. T/F Jonathan Edwards supported the abolition of slavery. T/F Slavery continues today in some form and fashion.
T/F Positive changes to the British society came primarily through government legislation rather than spiritual conversion. T/F The Great Awakening occurred after the Revolutionary War. T/F In America, half of all southern landowners had slaves.
T/F The flying shuttle was used for harvesting wheat. T/F The spinning jenny was used for processing thread into cotton. T/F An entrepreneur is one who makes his own business but does so at his own risk.