COORDINATION: SOME IDEAS Ramesh Kumar Adhikari Mobile- 9851117707
Definition of Development “Development is a good to better phenomenon for the benefit of people and place as per their purpose” RKA
Development Delivery(Governance) Lay- out Time Resource Efforts Organization Staff Motivation Tool Technology Capacity Fulfillment of Purpose of People and Place (Development) Policy Program Process
Good Governance Characteristics Rule of Law Transparency Consensus Participation Inclusion Equity Responsiveness Accountability Effectiveness and Efficiency, ………………
Development Stakeholders Supporter (Development partners- Bilateral/Multila teral/INGO) Observers (Audit Institutions/ Media/CSO) Recipients (People and Place) Development Stakeholders Provider (GO/NGO/Private Sector/Political Parties/CBOs)
Functions Stakeholders Demand, Receive, Benefit Recipients Planning, Budgeting, Implementing and Monitoring Technical, Financial, Capacity Advocacy, Awareness, Oversight KEY, PRIMARY, SECONDARY Recipients Providers Supporters Observers
Coordination Come together and create synergy Work jointly for common purpose Share information Fair distribution Cost reduction
Necessity of Coordination Many actors on same sector More allocation and activities on same location Helpful support for effort Balancing offer and cover Up to date information, inter agency collaboration Control, quality and efficiency
Legal authority Local Self Governance Act-1999 gives authority to local bodies to coordinate all local actors who are engaged on local development.
Coordination- A Simple Understanding Input– -Leadership (Overall/Sectoral- GO) -Partnership (Country Partner/Development Partner) -Ownership ( All) Activities- -Invite (Leader to Partner) -Provide (Idea and Information) -Utilize ( Idea and Investment) Output - -No resource gap -No efforts overlap - No time delay- No task relay Outcome – Better access to infrastructure, services and goods. Impact- Good- governance realization by every body, every where, every moment –Improved livelihood, enriched prosperity.
Coordination Methods Meeting -afx| dlxgf afx| e]6, ljsf; ;"rgf Up to Date_ Information Sharing Uniformity on Understanding Instruction on Differences Division of Roles and Responsibility Monitoring(Report-Review-Realize-Revise) (Timely, Correctly and Completely) Prepare guidelines for managing the coordination among partners.
Coordination becomes functional based on degree of relationship and partnership Without strong, stable, respectable relationship among actors, partnership and coordination can not be promoted and , we can not get the most outcome of our development program
because it leads to because it leads to because it leads to Core principles and why they enable better partnerships and coordination: because it leads to 1. EQUITY RESPECT for the added value each party brings because it leads to 2. TRANSPARENCY TRUST with partners more willing to innovate & take risks because it leads to 3. MUTUAL BENEFIT ENGAGEMENT more likely to sustain & build relationship over time Copyright: The Partnering Initiative
Thank You All