A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ


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Presentation transcript:

A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ 2 Timothy 2:3-4

A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ Will Follow The Lead Of Their Captain and Obey His Orders Jesus Christ is the Christians captain. (Heb. 2:9-10) A good soldier of Jesus Christ will be one who will always look to Jesus and follow in the example set by Him. (Heb. 12:1-3; 1 Pet. 2:21-23; 1 John 2:6) A good soldier of Christ will be one who will always keep His commandments. (John 14:15, 21, 15:14) Be a good soldier of Jesus Christ, and never forget, Jesus Christ is the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him. (Heb. 5:9)

A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ Will Diligently Drill Just as soldiers in the military regularly engage in physical drill exercises, a soldier of Christ must be regularly engaged in spiritual exercise. (1 Tim. 4:7-8) They will search the Scriptures daily. (Acts 17:11) They will study to show thyself approved to God, and to rightly divide the word of truth. (2 Tim. 2:15) They will continually meditate upon the all inspired word of God. (Ps. 1:1-2, 119:15-16; 1 Tim. 4:12-16)

A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ Will Be Properly Armed Just as soldiers in the military are properly armed, soldiers of Christ will likewise be properly armed, knowing that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God. (2 Cor. 10:4) Christians soldiers must be properly equipped with the whole armor of God. (Eph. 6:10-18) Be one who is always prepared, and properly armed for battle. (Eph. 6:13)

A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ Will Courageously Fight A good soldier of Jesus Christ will be one who fights the good fight of faith. (1 Tim. 6:12) They will defend the gospel of Christ. (Phil. 1:15-17) They will contend earnestly for the faith. (Jude 3) They will wage the good warfare. (1 Tim. 1:18-19)

A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ Will Endure Hardship Soldiers of Jesus Christ are instructed to endure hardship. (2 Tim. 2:3) You see, all soldiers of Christ will suffer persecutions and affliction. (2 Tim. 3:12) Therefore, soldiers of Christ must recognize the need to endure hardship. (Matt. 10:22; Heb. 10:36) Endure hardship and keep in mind that endurance is commendable before God. (1 Pet. 2:18-20)

A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ Will Pursue The Victory A good soldier of Jesus Christ recognizes that the victory is in Jesus. (1 Cor. 15:57) They will be steadfast, immovable, and will always abound in the work of the Lord. (1 Cor. 15:58) They will be one who diligently presses toward the prize. (Phil. 3:12-14) They will fight the good fight, keep the faith, and finish the race. (2 Tim. 4:7-8)

What Must I Do To Be Saved? Hear the word of God. (Romans 10:17) Believe in Jesus Christ. (John 8:24) Repent of your sins. (Acts 17:30) Confess Jesus Christ. (Matthew 10:32) Be baptized for the remission of sins. (Acts 2:38) Remain faithful unto death. (Revelation 2:10)