MRSO Update Frank Leetch – MRSO IGG 18/05/06
MRSO Erroneous De Registrations Sites Energised without Registration Most sites now corrected One Supplier still seeking clarification from CER Need to defer as IGG item until resolved Sites Energised without Registration A small number of sites over 30 kVA were energised without a registration Networks have contacted the customers advising them of need to sign up with a Supplier 12 sites still not signed up and Networks are continue to follow up System Control to avoid a recurrence is now in place IGG 18/05/06
MRSO Delays in Completing Registration of New Connections We are currently investigating a small number of sites that may not have been advised as energised and so registration has not been completed We will also review the controls in this area with Networks to ensure that they are adequate Transmission Connected Sites Provision of data for 5 new sites unresolved PDS and Nat Grid in ongoing discussions IGG 18/05/06
MRSO QH sites designated as NQH in SAP IS-U Total number of sites that moved to QH in the May 06 tranche are as follows; PES - 300 IS - 44 There is a balance of approx 35 sites that we will move in the next tranche in July PDS Review complete and 723 sites identified Meter Asset Mgt notified and kits being sourced They will advise programme plan shortly Will be flagged as QH eligible on extranet IGG 18/05/06
MRSO Annual Verification of Data – per MPD 15 PDS will have proposals on annual verification by 2nd June and will then agree with CER Note also that PDS have problems with validating data for a small number of sites where data is provided by Grid Proposed long term solution is via SEM ?? IGG 18/05/06
MRSO Re Aggregation 13 Month Issue February Re-Aggregation CD issued 12th May 13 Month Issue Mods Panel has made a decision (PM179) Detailed design work required from small project team to implement the changes IGG 18/05/06
MRSO Consumption Adjustments MPD 17 These cover revenue protection and meter/time switch faults which are not automatically included in Aggregation Following the Mods Panel discussions there may need to be a revision to Agreed Procedure 03 Mods panel has agreed the following proposals consumption adjustments within 13 months will be advised to Settlement by a manual extract consumption adjustments greater than 13 months would be treated same as consumption outside 13 month window MRSO and SSA to meet and agree relevant procedures IGG 18/05/06
MRSO MRSO Market Audit Scope Awaiting formal approval by CER IGG 18/05/06
MRSO Load Factor Changes Reducing in volume: Nov 05 – 1684 Jan 06 – 997 Mar 06 – 456 May 06 – 268 Expect to stabilise around this figure IGG 18/05/06