Overseas Student Health Cover OSHC
Agenda Medibank OSHC App Meet Linda Yang Medibank On Campus Support
OSHC Showcase Intro + talk to the goal
What are we solving for? - Chinese demographic Complex healthcare Students who come from around the globe struggle to navigate Australia’s complex healthcare system. As a result, using the public or private health care can be confusing. - Chinese demographic Complex healthcare New environment (anxious) Awareness of how OSHC healthcare (extras) work and the benefits included OSHC Health Care Experience with long wait times Student Health Needs during migration to Australia Extras Awareness not included in OSHC cover Value with access to many benefits such as Live Better and member offers
OSHC Mobile App . Medibank Managing your OSHC health cover has never been easier Manage your health cover, in your hands. Check, update and extend when you are on the go. Make claims on most services anytime, anywhere. Provides you with Health Advice 24/7. Find a doctor who bills us directly so there’s no need for you to submit a claim. Translation function for simplified Chinese.
On Campus Support
Linda Yang – On Campus Super Star One stop shop for all Students OSHC Questions Trusted advisor On campus every day Find Linda @ RMIT Connect Building 10 Level 4. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am – 5pm