This week in project 2 TODAY - PEER REVIEW: As a group, work through the next slide and provide feedback for all your table members. WEDNESDAY- SHOW & TELL: Bring your final draft to class for a show & tell session. If this session brings up any last minute tweaks you want to make, you will have time as…. THURSDAY by 10am FINAL DUE: Project 2 is due in Dropbox
Project 2 Peer Review Take turns at your table sharing your project. Talk it through, describe both FORM and CONTENT. As a group, provide feedback on the following: FORM: Does the form of this piece make sense given what the author is trying to achieve. Provide feedback on how the piece might look, sound, feel, read more effectively. CONTENT: Is the content of the piece meeting the required goals of the assignment? See below: Describe how you are defining culture (CITE readings from class), explain the culture that you are addressing in this paper, and describe how you are a part of this culture. Describe your artifact(s) and explain how this artifact is rhetorical (make sure to define rhetoric here, you might want to cite a reading if it helps ground your definition) Explain why this artifact matters to your culture and why it matters to you. It might not necessarily be that the artifact is highly valuable to your culture (but it might be), it could simply be that the artifact has a particular resonance or importance for your culture in a way it would not for other cultures.