Procedural background Content: Introduction Procedural background Existing regulations, directives and international voluntary standards 3.1 Technical references in the original development of this GTR No 2 UN Regulation No. 40, 01 series of amendments EU Regulations: Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 Regulation (EU) No 134/2014 Indian Regulation MoSRT&H/ CMVR/ TAP-115/116 and Central Motor Vehicle Rule No. 115 Japanese Regulation Road vehicle Act, Article 41 "Systems and Devices of Motor Vehicles" Safety Regulations for Road Vehicles, Article 31 "Emission Control Devices“ USA Regulations: US-FTP Subpart F, Emission Regulations for 1978 and Later New Motorcycles ISO standards: ISO 11486 (Motorcycles - Chassis dynamometer setting method); ISO 6460 (gas sampling and fuel consumption); ISO 4106 (Motorcycles -- Engine test code -- Net power);
Content: 3.2 Technical references in developing this revision of the GTR Test type I: UN GTR 15 (WLTP); UN Regulation 40, UN Regulation 47 and UN R.E.3; UN Regulation 83; Regulation (EU) No 168/2013; Test type II: UN Regulation 40, UN Regulation 47; UN Regulation 83 Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 CITA Test type VII: UN Regulation 101, UN Regulation 83; 3.3 Methodology for deriving harmonised test procedures for this revision of the GTR Make reference to the different points that the CP and stakeholders considered to introduce in this technical report. Further developed in EPPR-28-04 (EPPR Sec.)
Content: 3.3 Regulatory impact and economic effectiveness Anticipated benefits: It would be more economically efficient to have manufacturers using a similar test procedure worldwide wherever possible to prove satisfactory environmental performance before placing a product on the market. Potential cost effectiveness: No full impact assessment Advantage to citizens (improvement of environment