The Cranial Nerves
I - Olfactory II - Optic III - Oculomotor IV-Trochlear V - Trigeminal VI - Abducens VII - Facial VIII - Acoustic IX - Glossopharyngeal X - Vagus XI - Accessory XII - Hypoglossal -cranial nerves – _____________ -considered part of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) -olfactory & optic contain only sensory axons = __________________ -some are motor nerves – e.g. oculomotor, trochlear etc…. remaining are _________________– both motor and sensory axons
The Olfactory Nerve (I) Carries sensory information ___________________________________________________ Branches enter skull through cribiform plate Synapses within olfactory bulbs
The ____________(II) (sensory) Carries visual information enters skull through ________________ of the sphenoid -right and left join at the _____________(site of cross-over) -continue to brain as optic tracts
The _________________ (III) [Motor] Primary source of innervation for extra-ocular muscles also carries postganglionic fibers that innervate the ciliary muscles (lens shape) exits through superior orbital fissure The ______________(IV) [Motor] Smallest cranial nerve Innervates superior oblique eye muscle also provides proprioception info exits through S.O.F The _______________(VI) [Motor] Innervates lateral rectus muscle of eye exits through S.O.F
The Trigeminal Nerve (V) [Mixed] ____________ cranial nerve __________ nerve sensory – touch, pain & thermal Ophthalmic branch sensory – upper eyelid, eyeball lacrimal glands, side of nose, forehead and scalp Maxillary branch sensory – nose, palate, part of pharynx, upper teeth, upper lip and lower eyelid _____________ branch sensory – tongue, cheek, lower teeth, skin over mandible and side of head anterior to ear -motor – muscles of chewing -inferior alveolar nerve (branch of mandibular) -often anesthetized in dental procedures – lower jaw -numbs to mental nerve (branch of the IAN) -superior alveolar nerve (branch of the maxillary) -numbs the upper jaw
The Facial Nerve (VII) [Mixed] ____________ Controls muscles of scalp and face Pressure sensations from face ____________sensations from tongue
Facial Nerve VII ________ branches supply muscles of facial expression also carries preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the lacrimal, sub-mandibular and sub-maxillary glands _______branches serves a tiny patch of skin behind the ear also provides taste information and sensation to the body of the tongue
The Vestibulocochlear Nerve (VIII) [_______] __________________________ Monitors sense of balance, position and movement _________________________ Monitors hearing
The Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX) [________] Innervates the tongue, pharyngeal muscles, stylopharyngeus m. Controls __________ the efferent portion also sends pre/para fibers to the parotid gland (salivation) also receives sensory info from taste receptors and general sensation from the tongue
The _____________(X) [Mixed] Vital to autonomic control of visceral function large efferent portion to the soft palate, pharynx and larynx many other parasympathetic fibers to the organs of the gut, respiratory and CV systems passes through the jugular foramen
The accessory nerve (XI) Internal branch ________________________________________________________ External branch The hypoglossal nerve (XII) Voluntary motor control over _____ ________________________________