Chapter 15 lesson 1 Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan pages 402 - 408 Mr. Bondurant 8/2/2019
Chapter 15 lesson 1 Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan 403 - 408 VOCABULARY: Shah Modernize Mullah Ayatollah Embassy Ambassador Hostage Crude Oil 8/2/2019
A. The Scorpion and the Frog: A Tale of the Middle East page 403 1. What is the point the story makes? 2. What does the tale of the scorpion and the frog suggest about the Middle East? 8/2/2019
B. Two Revolutions in Iran page 403-404 1. How did Reza Khan and Muhammad Reza Pahlavi want to change Iran? 2. What did the mullahs think about the results of the first revolution? 3. What changes resulted because of the first revolution in Iran? 8/2/2019
C. The Islamic Republic of Iran pages 404-5 1. When did Iran’s second revolution take place and how did it change life in Iran? 2. How did life in Iran change after the second revolution? 8/2/2019
D. People and Resources of Iran page 406 1. Why has the population of Iran grown rapidly in recent years? 2. What is the chief export of Iran? 3. How did the war with Iraq affect Iran’s population and resources? 8/2/2019
E. Iraq Today page 407 1. What is the chief export of Iraq? 2. How is the government of Iraq different from that of Iran? 3. How did the results of the Iran-Iraq war lead to the first Persian Gulf War? 8/2/2019
F. Mountainous Afghanistan pages 407-8 1. Why is it difficult to travel in Afghanistan? 2. What is Afghanistan’s chief economic resource? 3. What caused war to erupt in 1979? 4. What are some of the geographical features of Afghanistan? 8/2/2019
R102 & Captions 404-408 Think and Write (page 408) A,B,C,D,E,F Governments of Iraq and Afghanistan: BabyDemocracy 8/2/2019
WORK TOGETHER! TOGETHER MEANS: On the same question at the same time! Working only with your group! ALL brains are at work! Everyone comes to an agreement on the answer. Questions must be asked as a group! You may NOT divide and copy! 8/2/2019