Fig. 3. transparent is required cell-autonomously in iridophores


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Presentation transcript:

Fig. 3. transparent is required cell-autonomously in iridophores Fig. 3. transparent is required cell-autonomously in iridophores.(A–C) Mutants used in transplantation experiments: (A) nac;pfe, (B) tra, (C) rse. transparent is required cell-autonomously in iridophores.(A–C) Mutants used in transplantation experiments: (A) nac;pfe, (B) tra, (C) rse. (D) nac;pfe mutant which received tra mutant xanthophores and melanophores, showing that both cell types contribute normally to stripes. (E) tra mutant which received nac;pfe mutant iridophores, showing that the supply with iridophores is sufficient to normalize the pigment pattern. Jana Krauss et al. Biology Open 2013;2:703-710 © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd