The Renaissance
What is it? Means Rebirth Most notable in the growth of the arts Refers to a return to classical Greco-Roman thought Return of Humanism “value of human worth” Individualism increased Most notable in the growth of the arts
Impact of Trade Started in Wealthy Italian nations Fueled by black pepper trade and banking Provided access to Muslim knowledge AND the ancient manuscripts they preserved Gave access to new technology Printing Press increased literacy and allowed easier spread of ideas
Impact of the Church Renaissance was secular in nature Church rules against banks’ helped to secularize northern Italy. Supported art/artists Had stored ancient manuscripts
Impact of City States Italy was fractured/ran by wealthy merchants Partly a result of conflict with the HRE Mostly Republics, leaders answered to “voters” Many Byzantines scholars fled to Italy, taking knowledge with them Competition between these states accelerated this rebirth
Renaissance: Was it a Thing? Eurocentric and based off the idea there was a “Dark Age” Only impacted the rich and those who served them majority still lived on farms Most were still guided by religious, not secular thought People alive had no idea changes were occurring ?