UWM Teacher for a New Era Pupil Learning Group Deborah Lindsey, MPS Peter Maier (CUIR) Nancy Mathiowetz (Sociology) Cindy Walker (Educational Psychology Philip Smith (Educational Psychology), Chair
Pupil Learning Group Objective: Link pupil learning to teacher preparation practices (UWM v Others) Vexing Issues: What is a UWM Prepared Teacher? What is Pupil Learning?
Value Added Analysis Expected Pupil Pupil Achievement Achievement Teacher
What is a UWM prepared teacher? Student Inputs – Influences on Teaching Behavior: A. Letters/Sciences/Arts: Knowledge/Proficiencies/Competencies B. Teacher Preparation: Knowledge/Proficiencies/Competencies C. Field Experiences: Proficiencies/Competencies Teacher Education Grad 1 L/S/A Inputs Teacher Prep Inputs Induction/ Field Inputs
Linking to Pupil Performance: What is pupil learning? Linking to Pupil Performance: > Definitions of “Achievement” Pupil Achievement T1 > Moderating Teaching Behaviors Teaching Behaviors Teacher Education Grad 1 L/S/A Inputs Teacher Prep Inputs Induction/ Field Inputs
>Parental Involvement Static Pupil Input Covariate Factors: School Inputs >Leadership >Resources School Inputs Pupil Achievement T1 Static Pupil Inputs >SES >Parental Involvement Teaching Behaviors Teacher Education Grad 1 L/S/A Inputs Teacher Prep Inputs Induction/ Field Inputs
>Parental Involvement Static Pupil Inputs >SES Dynamic Pupil Input Static Pupil Input Covariate Factors: Covariate Factors: Covariate Factors: School Inputs >Leadership >Resources School Inputs >Leadership >Resources School Inputs >Leadership >Resources School Inputs School Inputs Pupil Achievement T1 Pupil Achievement T1 Pupil Achievement T1 Static Pupil Inputs >SES >Parental Involvement Static Pupil Inputs >SES >Parental Involvement Static Pupil Inputs >SES >Parental Involvement Teaching Behaviors Teaching Behaviors Teaching Behaviors Dynamic Pupil Inputs >Attendance >Behavior Dynamic Pupil Inputs >Attendance >Behavior Dynamic Pupil Inputs >Attendance >Behavior Teacher Education Grad 1 Teacher Education Grad 1 Teacher Education Grad 1 L/S/A Inputs L/S/A Inputs L/S/A Inputs Teacher Prep Inputs Teacher Prep Inputs Teacher Prep Inputs Teacher Prep Inputs Induction/ Field Inputs Induction/ Field Inputs Induction/ Field Inputs
Other Influences: Prior Achievement Prior Teacher (Lagged Effect) Dynamic Pupil Input Static Pupil Input School Inputs Pupil Achievement T1 Pupil Achievement T2 Teaching Behaviors Other Influences: Prior Achievement Teacher Education Grad 1 Prior Teacher (Lagged Effect) L/S/A Inputs Teacher Prep Inputs Induction/ Field Inputs
Dynamic Pupil Input Static Pupil Input Dynamic Pupil Input School Inputs School Inputs Pupil Achievement T1 Pupil Achievement T2 Teaching Behaviors Teaching Behaviors Teacher Education Grad 1 Teacher Education Grad 2 L/S/A Inputs Teacher Prep Inputs Induction/ Field Inputs L/S/A Inputs Teacher Prep Inputs Induction/ Field Inputs
Where are we now? What needs to be done? Pilot Project Underway --Pupil Achievement --Teacher Survey What needs to be done? --L/S/A Inputs --Teacher Prep Inputs --Fieldwork/Induction Inputs --Teaching Behavior Definitions