PERSONAL FINANCE: December 13 Learning Target In order to successfully manage my personal finances, I will analyze how I can protect myself from identity theft and fraud. I will know I have it when I: (1) can identify some examples of identity theft and consumer fraud; (2) understand what I can do to protect myself from it; (3) realize why I should check my credit report once a year; and (4) can list and prioritize the steps to resolve suspected consumer fraud and identity theft. --Continue Personal Finance: Everfi ( -conclude Module #7 (if needed) --AP only: go over and turn in Sandra’s Balance Sheet, Real Life Balance Sheets, etc. (see end of review) --complete Consumer Protection module (Module #8) -work on Personal Finance Test Review (HO from earlier as you work on your modules) Assignment: --please report to C11 until further notice Personal Finance Test is FRIDAY