A Little One Shall Become A Thousand..... ANNOUNCEMENTS Sunday, June 2, 2019
Celebrate! Today is Holy Communion
GOPCC United Prayer Call Get ready to be blessed through corporate prayer and intercession! Our GOPCC United Prayer Call will be tomorrow evening, Monday, June 3rd at 7pm. Our call-in number is (605) 475-3235. The pass-code is 1045065#
Iron To Iron Men’s Ministry Iron to Iron Men’s Ministry is partnering with Generosity Global (Selfless Saturdays) Participation Is For Everyone! This coming Saturday, June 8th, 2019 at 9:45am, we are scheduled to volunteer at Selfless Saturdays to help feed those in need with Generosity Global in Baltimore, MD. Kids are welcome and able to participate. If you are able to join us please arrive by 9:45am. Who: Generosity Global (www.generosityglobal.org) Why: Selfless Saturdays - Feeding those in need Where: 421 Fallsway, Baltimore MD 21202 (We’ll meet under the I-83 overpass bridge across the street from this address. It's a big city parking lot). Date: Saturday, June 8th, 2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:00pm For more information please see Deacon Rick Lisby or Pastor Robert George. A sign-up sheet will be available at the events table if you are interested.
Important Dates Church Announcement We are approaching the summer months, but we are not losing any momentum. Pastor encourages us to continue to study God’s Word and to pray daily. Our last Prayer Call before summer recess will be on this coming Monday, June 3, 2019. Our last Bible Study before the summer recess will be on next Wednesday, June 12, 2019.
Youth Recognition Service Church Announcement JUDAH GENERATION Youth Recognition Service Sunday, June 23, 2019 is our youth recognition service honoring our awesome GOPCC young people. Parents, we ask that you please submit your child's academic and extracurricular achievements to Minister Sabrina McLean by Sunday, June 16, 2019! 6
GOPCC TRAVELS TO SEE “JESUS” LIVE ON STAGE We’re going back to Sight & Sound Theatres on Saturday, July 20th! Please see a member of the administrative team to pay any remaining balances for your ticket. All final payments must be received by next Sunday, June 9th. God bless you and we anticipate a great fellowship together!
Weekly Announcements Please submit any church ministry related announcements to be considered in the weekly announcements by Tuesday at 3:00 PM to Minister Monique Lynch or Deaconess Jamie Adams at: Monique.Lynch@generationofpraise.org Jamie.Adams@generationofpraise.org PASTORAL MINISTRY MEETINGS & REQUESTS Please coordinate all requested meetings with Pastor Frieson through Deaconess Detris Dickens at: Detris.Dickens@generationofpraise.org
Connect With Us Morning Announcements & Exaltation Prayer – 10:05am Sunday Worship Service – 10:15am Youth Church- every 2nd and 4th Sunday Believers Night Bible Study – every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7:15pm For more information regarding our church, ministry event announcements, and online giving opportunities please log onto: www.GENERATIONOFPRAISE.ORG Tell a friend to connect with us on Facebook and we welcome you to follow us on twitter.