Introduce teachers and positions
Orientation Forest Grove Elementary: 571 – 434 - 4560 The program is designed to meet the developmental level of each child coming into the program. Children in the kindergarten classroom will be given a variety of learning experiences that will include learning station activities, hands-on activities, small group and large group instruction. All instruction supports the social emotional, physical, and intellectual development of your child. Each lesson is guided by state educational standards. Our weekly themes allows for learning across the curriculum, connecting all parts of the day. During the course of the school year, the Kindergarten students will learn: To develop strong self esteem and a positive attitude toward others To develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence To acquire healthy and safe habits To become curious and creative learners To expand language skills To experience success in learning and problem solving To acquire fundamental skills and knowledge that will enable the child to reach his/her fullest potential
Mathematics We use Math Investigations and Guided Math for math instruction. Students will use a hands-on approach to develop an understanding of counting, number recognition, shapes, patterns, addition, subtraction, vocabulary and problem solving. Students will receive instruction in these concepts in whole and small group settings in order to best meet the needs of your child.
Language Arts In kindergarten, your child will become a reader and writer. Oral language experiences are a part of instruction throughout the day. In order to assess your child’s growth the PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) assessment will be used throughout the year. The teacher individualizes instruction to meet the needs of each child. Please make sure you spend time each day reading with your child, in English or your home language.
Science and Health Each week, we will focus on a different content area--science, health and social studies.
History and social studies In social studies, we will study the four strands of social science--history, geography, citizenship, and economics.
Specials This year in kindergarten, each student will have: Art Music SEARCH Guidance Library P.E.
Technology At Forest Grove we use a variety of technology. Your child will use computers and our promethean board in the classroom to enhance learning in all academic areas. We also use the learning labs once a week.
Parent expectations Forest Grove Elementary: 571 – 434 - 4560 Be on time We need to know Food Your child will be attending full day kindergarten this school year. In their seats at 7:50. Dismiss 2:35. If your child is tardy then you must walk your child into the office for a tardy pass. If your child is absent from school for any reason, you must notify the school. We need to know if any information changes: telephone number, address, your child’s transportation, and medications. As this is full day kindergarten, we eat lunch at school. If your child is not bringing lunch from home, please be sure to have your child bring in lunch money labeled with their name. Breakfast is $2.10 and the cafeteria opens at 7:30 and stops serving at 7:45. If your child will not eat breakfast at school, please make sure they eat before coming to school. Lunch is $3. The application for Free and Reduced Lunch Program will be sent home with your child in their purple Thursday folder or you may fill out the form at open house. We do not have snack in kindergarten. Please make sure you communicate your child’s food restrictions and allergies with their teacher.
Parent expectations Dress appropriately We are very active in kindergarten and sneakers are the safest shoe option. Flip flops cannot be worn to school. Sneakers MUST be worn on PE days. No spaghetti strap shirts please. We go outside for recess everyday (temperature/snow/rain permitting), please dress your child in proper clothing depending on the temperature.
Parent Expectations Personal Independence Kindergarteners are expected to know how to tie their shoes BEFORE they come to school. Please work on this skill at home. Your child is also expected to be independent with all bathroom needs. The teacher is NOT ALLOWED to assist children in the bathroom.
Parent Expectations Forest Grove Elementary: 571 – 434 - 4560 Label Check Daily Sick Label coats and jackets, hats, and backpacks, to help find them if they are lost. Please check your child’s folder and backpack daily, please remove all papers. Your child works hard everyday, take the time to talk to your child about school. If you child is not feeling well or your child has a temperature, please keep your child home. Call the school office to report the illness.
Parent Expectations Forest Grove Elementary: 571 – 434 - 4560 Conferences Volunteers PEP We will have conferences at the end of the first quarter. More information about this to come If you wish to volunteer, please speak to your child’s teacher. Parents as Educational Partners (PEP): Your participation in this program will help build strong partnership with us that will benefit your child. PEP meetings take place at 6:00 – 8:00 pm on scheduled Tuesdays throughout the school year, specific information about this program will be coming home soon.
First weeks of School Procedures Forest Grove Elementary: 571 – 434 - 4560 First weeks of School Procedures Arrival: First one week to gym No parents in classroom, sorry! Dismissal: Students will be walked to their buses Teachers will walk students to their day care buses During the first week of school, you, the parent, will be allowed to escort your child to the gym. From here, the teachers will take their classes to the classrooms. Parents are NOT ALLOWED in the classrooms at this time!!! It helps the kids transition into a normal school routine. Kindergarten assistants will be waiting outside for students dropped off in the kiss & go area. Dismissal: Your child will be walked to their buses by teachers everyday. Your child will only be allowed to go home with the people you have notated on their emergency card. Please let us know if they are going home with an older sibling without a parent. If there is any change in dismissal procedure, you MUST write a note to the school. Otherwise, we will not release your child to an unknown person.
Questions Do you have any questions?