Carina Gonzalez Class of 2014!
About me Family of four Born and raised in Lindsay Curious about life Will be first to graduate Helping others is my passion Love animals Caring and understanding
Job Shadow Dr. Posada and her Nursing assistance Experienced the atmosphere of working in medical field ( stressful or calm) Met many patients both known and unknown Dream job Registered Nurse (LVN is my other medical back up) Skills needed: Excellent people skills, good communication and observation, ability to answer questions and offer advice Values & Behavior: Care, compassion, communication, courage, commitment.
Visual Representation Nature love it, always amazes me Have a big heart for animals Things happen in life Family means everything Everyone need loves, compassion & support Miracles can happen, (Mexican culture beliefs)
Journal Entry Honestly all journal entries are special to me Most meaningful would have to be my 1st and last 1st journal was a drag and I didn’t see the point, but I did it. Last journal didn’t seem realistic, and I finally realized the purpose of them. Quote from 1st journal entry:” … there are also the good memories and fun times that I'm looking forward to my senior year…” Quote from 6th journal entry:” One step closer... a few more things to stress about... many more memories to make”
Memories I’ve made/ will make New friends Met new teachers Joined clubs (Key Club, French Club, REAP Club) Helped out while having fun (5K/10K OBF Fun Run, Exhibition night, “baby sitting” at school) Got an Excellent for choir Will make memories at Prom, Grad night and graduation day. There are many more, but not enough time
My Future Was going to Stanislaus (complications came up) Got accepted to California State University Bakersfield and will attend (major in nursing) Will try to get a job during college I’m aware things may not work out, I will still help others I will face struggles, but I won’t get anywhere in life if I fear failure all the time… so I am ready to take on the challenge.
Thank you for you time! Any Question??