ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATIONS Advanced course Day 1 – second morning session International system of linked economic classifications and family of international.


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Presentation transcript:

ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATIONS Advanced course Day 1 – second morning session International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic classifications Marie-Madeleine Fuger INSEE – France Gheorghe Constantinescu INSSE -Romania Bucarest, 12–15 November 2013

Economic classifications International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic and social classifications Economic classifications Categories of economic classifications Activity classifications - definition of an activity - used to produce business statistics - generally cover all economic activities of SNA - used to classify economic units Product classifications - product = output of an economic activity - goods and services - used to produce statistics of prices, quantities, etc

Economic classifications International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic and social classifications Economic classifications ▪ Activities and products - ISIC, NACE, CPC, CPA and national versions ▪ Trade - HS, SITC, CN and national versions ▪ Production - PRODCOM and national versions ▪ Others: by purpose (COICOP, COFOG, COPNI, COPP), tourism (SICTA¹), environmental (CEPA²), wastes (EWC-Stat³), etc. ¹ - Standard International Classification of Tourism Activities ² - Classification of Environmental Protection Activities ³ - European Wastes Classification for Statistics

History of the international system development International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic and social classifications History of the international system development Starting point: UN Statistical Commission meeting in 1972 – revision of the custom classifications ►For custom needs ►For foreign trade statistics SINAP* project, 1976 – to harmonize the economic classifications: ►Revision and harmonization of the UN and EU activity classifications ►Relating the classifications of economic activities to the corresponding product classifications ►Harmonization between production classifications and foreign trade classifications ►Development of a central product classifications (missing) ►Integration of HS as a provider of “elementary bricks” (“building blocks”) * Système Intégré de Nomenclatures d’Activités et de Produits - Integrated system of activity and product classifications

History of the international system development Important dates International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic and social classifications History of the international system development Important dates International level 1983: HS 1986: SICT Rev.3 1989: ISIC Rev.3 1991: CPC (provisional) 1998: CPC Version 1.0 2002: ISIC Rev.3.1 2002: CPC Version 1.1 2006: HS 2007 2006: SITC Rev.4 2006 ISIC Rev.4 2007: CPC Version 2

History of the international system development International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic and social classifications History of the international system development European level 1970: NACE 70 1990: NACE Rev.1 1993: CPA 1996: CPA 1996 2002: NACE Rev.1.1 2002: CPA 2002 2006: NACE Rev.2 [Regulation (EC) No. 1893/2006, December, 19th] 2008: CPA 2008 [Regulation (EC) No. 451/2008, April, 23rd]

Characteristics of the international system 1. Harmonization International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic and social classifications Characteristics of the international system 1.  Harmonization - harmonization between classifications of the same type - harmonization between classifications of different types - international harmonization  the international network 2. Integration - relations “origin-output” between activity and product classifications - system of “elementary bricks”  HS father of the new system - conceptual relations with other international classifications 3. Centralized structure of the system

Characteristics of the international system International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic and social classifications Characteristics of the international system Connectivity - other international classifications linked to the integrated system Classification of education – ISCED Classification of occupations – ISCO Classifications by purposes – COICOP, COFOG Classifications of Research and Development – NABS Classifications of Tourism – SICTA, TPC etc., etc.

International family of economic and social classifications International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic and social classifications International family of economic and social classifications Types of classifications in the family - Reference classification: the core of the system • Central classifications: ISIC, CPC; - Derived classification: using the structure of a reference classification • E.g. regional, national classifications using ISIC: NACE; - Linked classification: having a clear correspondence table with a reference classification • E.g. North American and Australian classifications: NAICS, ANZSIC;

International family of economic and social classifications International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic and social classifications International family of economic and social classifications Current family - Economic activities - Products - Purpose classifications - Occupation and Education - Social and Health - Country and Area - Other

Relationship between economic classifications: the international network Activities Products Foreign trade World ISIC rev. 4 CPC vers. 2 HS COICOP SITC rev. 3 COFOG COPNI EU NACE rev. 2 CPA 2008 CN COICOP-HICP COICOP-HBS PRODCOM CPV vers. 2 National (Ro) CANE rev. 2 CPSA 2008 TVIR PRODROM

International system of linked economic classifications and family of international economic and social classifications Thank you!