IDN email – is that possible? EEDNS Forum 2017, Minsk IDN email – is that possible? Душан Стојичевић Гранси
Biggest mysteries in the world that we are trying to solve: EEDNS Forum 2017, Minsk Biggest mysteries in the world that we are trying to solve: Are we alone in the Universe Teleportation Content of woman’s bag How Nobel prize missed ICANN by just one N IDN email
Alien in domain Universe> IDN email It’s not called IDN email but EAI EAI standard was created in 2013 It works And therefor MYSTERY SOLVED You don’t believe me? LET TURN THIS INTO AN EXERCISE!!! EEDNS Forum 2017, Minsk
душан@почта.рус Instructions> Send me email from your email client to the address written above I will respond If it’s not supported by your email client or I you don’t have Cyrillic, tell me your email address and you respond to me Fulfill the form and see live results at the end.
DATAMAIL DataMail is leading to bridge the gap in between English and Non-English writing/reading population. DataMail brings an Email Address in the language of the users choice and allows communication to the world in preferred language. DataMail offers an Email address in your language. Behind that is a company from India, XGENPLUS (
Thanks Any questions? Душан Стојичевић (you already have my email)