Industrial Revolution 1750 to 1900
Before Europe had an agrarian culture Few people lived in cities They made items with their hands
Agricultural Revolution came first Enclosure movement New methods and tools Crop rotation
The Industrial Revolution The increased output of machine-made goods Production of goods moved out of the home and into factories This movement changed the economic, social, and political history of the world It would eventually define the success of the western world
Causes of the Industrial Revolution Science! Many advances in agriculture, machines and techniques More food, less need for workers Demand for consumer goods Textile industry – first to start using machines Factories emerged to house the machines
Where? First in Great Britain Why? Iron and coal Government encouragement Leading trading nation Intellectual and social climate transportation
The rest of Europe and then the world Then it spread to the rest of Europe (west to east)
New Conditions Emerged Life in a European factory was hard Factory workers were poorly paid and had to work many hours to feed their families -12 to 16 hour workday, 6 days a week No protection for workers –no compensation for injuries, very dangerous Some get rich off of the system, most stay poor
Period of Urbanization People moved from the countryside to the cities and new cities developed almost overnight Crowded, sanitation issues, crime Impersonal, no nature, black clouds The governments did not address these problems immediately
Economic Ideologies Adam Smith 1776 Wealth of Nations Challenged the ideas of mercantilism Free enterprise, no government intervention (laissez- faire) Competition/ supply and demand This is capitalism
The challenge to capitalism Socialism- government involvement in money matters; the goal of economics should be for the good and betterment of the people
Marxism Capitalism was blamed for problems of industrialism 1848 Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels) According to Marx, capitalism is bad, greed will divide Communism- the abolishment of private property Public ownership, public owns all land and means of production Scientific socialism
Marx (continued) History is shaped by economics (the freemen and slaves of antiquity, the lords and serfs of the Middle Ages) Bourgeoisie (owners) vs. proletariat (workers) Haves (bourgeoisie) and have-nots (proletariats) He believed the proletariat would unite and revolt; this would be a global revolution!!
However… The problems and conditions did improve with laws and labor unions The standard of living improved Nationalism, not capitalism, would be on people’s minds But later on in Russia…