What is the base unit for length? meter What is the base unit for mass? gram What is the base unit for volume? liter
Base Units (grams, liters, meters) 6 common prefixes: Prefix Symbol Factor Number Kilo- 100 da Base Units (grams, liters, meters) Deci- 0.01 m
Conversions within the Metric System
The metric system is a decimal-based system The metric system is a decimal-based system. This means that units in the metric system are related to each other in factors of 10.
Measuring in the Metric System How many millimeters are in a centimeter? How many centimeters are in a decimeter? How many decimeters are in a meter? How many meters are in a dekameter? How many dekameters are in a hectometer? How many hectometers are in a kilometer?
Measuring in the English System How many small notches are in an inch? How many inches are in a foot? How many feet are in a yard? How many yards are in a mile? 1760
Decimal Moving kilo k hecto 1000 h deka da 100 10 deci d centi .1 c milli .01 m .001
Steps: Find your starting point and ending point Count the number of steps you take to get from your starting point to your ending point. The decimal is moved one place for every step you take Move the decimal to the left if going up the stairs Move the decimal to the right if going down the stairs
100 hl = __________ L 50 cm = __________ m 5 g = __________ mg
Remembering the Order of the Metric Prefixes Kilo Hecto Deka Base Unit Deci Centi Milli King Henry Died BY Drinking Chocolate Milk