Drawing/Painting 3
Drawing/ Painting 3 Finish your hand Start you self-portrait or continu Please clean-up all supplies and put on the back table by my desk(thank you!) Have a great weekend, see you all on Tuesday Drawing/ Painting 3
Monochromatic Painting 9/7/2018
Monochromatic Painting You will need: Paints (back drawer by the sink) A water container with water in it(cupboard by the sink) A flat brush and a round brush(on the back counter) A paper towel(from the dispenser or on the table by it) Monochromatic Painting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBGfrwtQASE Follow along
Try your own! Create another monochromatic painting Pick any color you want, besides white or black Create a monochromatic painting with at least 4 different areas(background, middle ground, foreground, and detail up- close) This could be a landscape in nature or a city landscape Have fun! Make sure to write your name on it and put it on your class period drying rack Try your own!
Complete the reflection for the monochromatic painting Reflection & Clean-Up
AP Art 9.7.2018