Presented by AnaLia Oliva-Related Services Coordinator Laura LaMarsh-Related Services Coordinator Northwest Regional ESD
Digital technology can increase learning opportunities for everyone Technology may include Self-paced learning modules Multimedia case studies Simulations Video Tutorials ED Gov. 2011
Using SKYPE, WebEx, V-Tel
Increased demands and needs in the schools Limited specialty providers Limited resources Limited funding Increased efficiency Logistics
11 Days of Training in Hillsboro 5 Days of Training in Hillsboro Savings by Using WebEx Estimated Round Trip Time-car 2908 hrs., 19 min 1322 hrs., 3 min hrs., 16 min. Estimated CO2 Emissions 34.9 Metric Tons Metric Tons Metric Tons Estimated Mileage Costs $13089$5949$7140 Information based on 30 participants traveling Time saved by NOT being away from work, family, etc.: PRICELESS
Consultation and coaching with team across four counties (20 school districts and EI/ECSE) Participation in IFSP/IEP meetings real time face to face via technology Providing access to live and pre-recorded trainings
Develop a Vision Pull Together a Team Developing the Plan Tracking and Review Empowering Others
WebEx Demo