Premature sister chromatid separation occurs in G2. Premature sister chromatid separation occurs in G2. (A) A day after transfection, the MS2-CP-GFP–expressing cells were treated with TSA (7 h) and then pulse labeled with EdU for 2 h according to the protocol of the labeling kit. EdU-labeled cells (S phase, red) showed single genes and duplicated adjacent genes (arrows). Duplicated separated genes are seen in non–red cells. (B) RNA FISH on TSA-treated cells (7 h) showing active separated genes (red, arrows) in CENP-F–positive (G2 marker, green) cells. The enlarged region is framed. Scale bar, 5 μm. Sharon Yunger et al. LSA 2018;1:e201800086 © 2018 Yunger et al.