The Life of Christ – Lesson 8 Seeking Signs– Jesus’ family - Jesus’ rebukes May 8, 2019
Seeking signs Matthew 12:38-42; Luke 11:29-32 “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” Jesus condemns this generation (“scribes and Pharisees,” Matthew 12:38) which “seeks for a sign” (Luke 11:29, attesting miracle). Matthew 12:38, “craves for a sign.” See Luke 11:16. Describes them as “evil and adulterous.” Matthew 12:39; Jeremiah 3:1-2, 6-10 Ironic request when not only had Jesus cast out a demon but raised the dead and healed the blind, lame, leprous, and deaf (Luke 7:22). cf. John 6:30.
Seeking signs Matthew 12:22-37; Mark 3:20-30; Luke 11:14-23; 12:10 What’s the difference between seeking evidence and seeking signs? They did so to “test Him” (Luke 11:16; cf. Exodus 17:1-2; Numbers 14:22; Psalms 78:17-20) They wanted to control Jesus … i.e., do what we want, when we want You to do it. John 6:30; 1 Corinthians 1:22
The sign of Jonah Matthew 12:39-42; Luke 11:29-32 The sign of Jonah: compare to Jesus Jonah sent to preach to a sinful nation – Jesus sent to preach to a sinful world. “Cry against it” – Jonah 1:1-2; Isaiah 58:1-2; 61:1-2; Luke 3:4 (23:46); John 7:28, 37 “Call out against it the message that I tell you” (Jonah 3:2 ESV; cf. John 12:50; 6:68) “Their wickedness has come up before Me.” Jonah’s message from God was one intended to provoke repentance. In the fulness of time, God sent both Jonah and Jesus.
The sign of jonah Matthew 12:39-42; Luke 11:29-32 The sign of Jonah: comparison to Jesus Jonah’s message from God was one intended to provoke repentance and accomplished His purpose. Jesus also preached His Fathers’ will in order to bring about repentance and succeed in the matter for which His Father sent Him. (Luke 11:32; Luke 5:32; John 17:4; cf. John 4:34) Isaiah 55:11-12, “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” In the fulness of time, God sent both Jonah and Jesus.