MISSIONAL OF GOD Genesis 3:7 – 9 Because someone discovered the mission of God to love and change us and it’s far reaching effects I am before you today. Because someone understood and was transformed by the pursuing, providing, and patient love of God and allowed that to be a part of their life, I am before you today. Anyone who calls himself/herself a Christian today is a result of such a person. They made their life a missional one to love and let God’s love be known to my father, in effect his faith gave birth to my faith today. Genesis 3:7 – 9
Language Mission – the intended goal or purpose. That which God has been purposing and accomplishing from eternity to eternity. Missions – relates to mission. Refers to the pursuit of sharing and showing the gospel to all corners of the earth. Missional – adopting the posture of a missionary joining Jesus on mission, learning and adapting to the culture around you while remaining biblically sound. Love – Sacrifice for the greater good of the other.
8… the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” He’s been chasing us from the beginning. Where are you? God knows where we are but where are we hiding? What do we hide behind? Some things we may hide behind causes us to say we’re too busy with this or that to come to Him as I am. I’d rather cover my shame with blame of someone else. Genesis 3:8 – 9
God’s love pursues us. Yet, God comes to us and doesn’t blow away our cover. Instead, he waits patiently for us to answer the question of, “Where are you?”
10He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, I hid.” We aren’t told how long the question lingers. Many of us will wait an entire life to answer the question God’s asking. We will spend our time hiding in what He’s given us, fearing and being ashamed. Genesis 3:10
God’s love is patient with us. The example here is unsaid, but it’s between verse 9 and 10 and it’s the small gap that can be very long indeed. It’s patience. God waits for us to answer. We need to wait when we extend our love to someone and see how they respond.
The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. Not only is His love pursuing us. Not only is it patient. It provides a way back to Him. His love not only covered our inadequacies but it also cost something its life. God was the first one to sacrifice to rebuild our broken relationship. His love provided covering for our sins and shame. He provided a way back to relationship with Himself. As God takes initiative to restore so should we. Genesis 3:21
God’s love provides a way for us. How can you provide a way to rebuild a broken relationship?
Our capability to love God can be measured between How far we are from Him and How much He has done to love us. Opening statement.
A bell’s not a bell ‘til you ring it – A song is not a song ‘til you sing it – Love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay – Love isn’t love until you give it away! Oscar Hammerstein II
God’s love is outward focused God’s love is outward focused. His love for us propels us outward with compassion. Number one
An example of Centripetal force are the planets that rotate around the sun. Many of us think we’re the sun and we want the world to revolve around us. An example of Centrifugal is when a vehicle turns the corner and every one is pushed to the outside. Love is to be pushed outward.
Risk Fear Preserve Relationship Safety Service This is how the church tends to develop. It’s either inward or outward. Centripetal or centrifugal. It is much like how people are raised in a family. If we are told that the world is dangerous and we need to stay close at all times we become Centripetal by nature. When we are told the world is full of wonder and opportunity mixed with danger and pain we can facilitate a Centrifugal nature. If we’re told that the world is largely dangerous and we need to protect what we have at all cost we create a church that is centripetal. Service
Genesis 3:8 – 9 | God’s love Pursues | CENTRIFUGAL | … the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” | CENTRIPETAL | | CENTRIFUGAL | He walked among us. The parallel passage to this in the New Testament is in Philippians 2 where it describes Jesus giving up His glory to be as we are. Not only did he walk among us, He was seeking us while here to relate with us. Empathize in the most meaningful way. Genesis 3:8 – 9 | God’s love Pursues
John 3:16 – 17 |Outward in Jesus For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him. Love is a choice to sacrifice Sacrifice is a verb. Love is a verb. It is action oriented and results in His giving. The following verse emphasizes that Jesus was sent into the world. The word Apostle means “one who is sent away” John 3:16 – 17 |Outward in Jesus
Matthew 9:35 - 37 |Outward in Jesus Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Christ SAW people as they are. He “went through all the towns and villages.” Are we looking at those around us as they are and not colored through our own prejudices or what we can get from them? Compassion – soft like a womb protective and warm. It’s about the welfare of another to restore the lost to be found. It addresses the gut having courage. Christ SAID what he saw. He articulated it and expressed what is. There is something powerful about the word as it expresses reality. We cannot change what we cannot articulate. Then Christ SENDS. After we see and speak what we see, how do we move? How can we move with compassion? Before we speak of Christ may we have the heart of Christ. Matthew 9:35 - 37 |Outward in Jesus
God’s is Missional We are called to live out that heart of Mission Luke 19:10 – Jesus came to seek and save what was lost. John 20:21 – As the Father sent Jesus, He sends us. Matthew 28:19 – 20: We are to go and make disciples Acts 1:8 – We have His power with us as we Go. The mission will cost us. It is not cheap. We will be persecuted from the outside by those who don’t understand We will also be persecuted by our own nature toward Centripetal love, to life our rights over responsibilities. We only move as He moves. It is vital to draw close to God and know how He is moving. Align our life and mission with His.
PURSUIT. PROVIDE. PATIENCE. In our relationship with Chase and April, Jasmine and I pursued in subtle and meaningful ways. We constantly provided connection points and invited them into our lives. We were patient. We met, asked and answered questions, like, “Where are you on your journey?” We waited for answers and we kept pursuing.. PURSUIT. PROVIDE. PATIENCE.
As we live out a missional God is pursuing you. Where are you? What are you hiding behind? Who can you pursue outside the church? How does that look? How can you provide ways to building and rebuilding relationships? What does it look like to be patient?