Medieval and Early Modern Crime and Punishment Why were there so many witch hunts 1645-47? Who was Matthew Hopkins? Give the 3 types of crime with an example. What were the Forest Laws? Medieval and Early Modern Crime and Punishment Explain the Gunpowder Plot. Draw the 4 Trials by Ordeal. What was the Bloody Code? Define Tithing, Hue and Cry and Jury. Draw 3 types of medieval punishments: Fines, stocks, flogging, hanging, mutilation How did the Church influence Crime and Punishment? What were the new crimes in the Early Modern Age? What new Trial by… was introduced by the Normans?
Industrial Crime and Punishment 1700-1900 What factors changed the views of punishment during this time? Were there any continuities in this period? Define a ‘social crime’. Why did Highway robbery increase? Why did Transportation end? Who were the Hawkhurst Gang? Industrial Crime and Punishment 1700-1900 Draw and label Pentonville Prison. Who were the Tolpuddle Martyrs and what happened to them? Why wasn’t the Bloody Code working? Draw something to represent transportation How were prisons reformed? Describe the development of the Police.
Modern Crime and Punishment 1900-today Why was the Death Penalty abolished in 1965? Which factors had the biggest impact on changes during this time? What new crimes were there? What crimes looked new but weren’t? Draw the new punishments being used: Community Service, ABCs, Tagging Modern Crime and Punishment 1900-today Draw and label a modern policeman. Who was Derek Bentley? Why was he important? What special police units were set up? How have prisons changed? What new technology was used to help the police? How did the treatment of Conscientious Objectors change? Define what a Conscientious Objector was.
Whitechapel How did the press make the investigation more difficult? How successful do you think the Police were? Describe Whitechapel in the 1880s. Draw a typical lodging house. Draw some of the methods the Police used to find Jack: Photos and sketches, Observation, Autopsy, Interviews, ID Parades, Bloodhounds Why was there so much crime in Whitechapel? Who was Jack the Ripper and what did he do? Whitechapel How did Immigration affect Whitechapel? Who were Edmund Henderson and Charles Warren? Describe the development of the CID. What was the role of the beat constables? What problems did H Division face?
Whitechapel: Types of source. London Newspapers: Census: National Newspapers: Police Investigations: Coroner’s reports: Crime records: Local Police records: Whitechapel: Types of source. Old Bailey Records: Workhouse records: Charles Booth’s survey: Photographs: Cartoons: