Benefit from Earlier Intervention -60% -40% -20% 0% Age 70 Age 50 Age 40 Reduction in risk in men with 10% reduction in total cholesterol (10 cohort studies) Adapted from: Law et al. BMJ 1994;308:367-72
Rates of Maintenance of Abstinence Wks 13–24 Wks 13–52 100 OR=2.47 (95% CI 1.95, 3.15) p<0.0001 80 1.35 OR= (95% CI 1.07, 1.70) p=0.0126 60 70.6 40 49.8 44.0 37.1 20 N=602 12 wks Varenicline + N=604 12 wks Varenicline + 12 wks Placebo N=602 12 wks Varenicline + N=604 12 wks Varenicline + 12 wks Placebo Adapted from: Tonstad et al. JAMA 2006;296:64-71
Attributable CVD Risk Factors 15152 cases and 14820 controls in 262 centres in 52 countries 9 risk factors accounted for 90% of acute MI in men and 94% in women 3 Odds ratio 2 1 DM BP Stress Fr/Veg Smoking Obesity Phys Act. Alcohol ApoB/ApoA1 60 40 PAR (%) 20 -20 PAR=population attributable risks Adapted from: Yusuf S. Lancet 2004;364(9438):937-52