Classroom Newsletter January 11th, 2019 Mrs. Morrison, Rm. 5 Classroom Newsletter January 11th, 2019 Dates to Remember 1/17-Crazy Hat Day and Bingo Night 1/21-No School 1/19-1/28- Read Athon 1/19-Read Athon Pajama Night at Island Books Classroom News Hello Families, I hope you had an amazing break with lots of memories and time with families together. This week we touched base on our classroom community – what we expected of ourselves, me and each other. One of our students even made a suggestion box – so I could see how students are feeling or want to share with me about the classroom. I loved hearing about your winter breaks and all the fun you had! The kids wrote about it in their journal writing this week and they have added so much detail! I was so impressed. We also started assessing reading this week. The kids have made so much progress with their reading! I am so proud of them. I am sending home OPTIONAL weekly homework on Monday. It goes over our sight words for the week and math. If any of you have any questions about how we are doing math in class I would be happy to go over it for you. Students can return their homework the following Monday. Best, Mrs. Morrison Mrs. Zen Morrison W. Mercer Elementary School 4141 81st Ave SE Phone Number: 206.230.6058
Our classroom is a nut free environment. See and Say Words Give What Again What We’re Learning Reading: This week we practiced looking at the characters point of view. I told the kids we can practice this in our own lives by looking at a situation from someone else's perspective. We are looking at how characters are feeling and what they are saying to make inferences about their point of view. Math: We are ending unit 3 on finding the unknown partner. This was a tricky one – there was a lot of reading and problem solving. The kids did great with it! We will be starting unit 4 on Monday. Writing: The kids and I went on an observation walk around the field. We are working on writing stories about what we noticed on our observation walk, what we hear and see. Science: How are shadows made – the kids Made a puppet show with shadows and filmed their play. Math Practice Finding the unknown number Spelling: Writing the letters c and K Science: Light and sound Our classroom is a nut free environment. Specialist Schedule Week B Monday: PE Tuesday: Music Wednesday: Spansih Thursday: PE Friday: Music