A C T S Go Tell the Good News! Lesson 23 Acts 18:12-22
Neapolis Acts 15:36-18:22
Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey The Jews Bring Paul Before Gallio The Jews rise up against Paul and bring him before the judgment seat of Gallio, the Roman Proconsul (18:12-13) Gallio refuses to hear their complaint, judging it to be a matter of religious tradition rather than civil law (18:14-16) Sosthenes (a ruler of the synagogue) is beaten before Gallio, but he takes no notice (18:17). The beating may have been carried out by Greeks (cf. KJV) to express their contempt for being troubled with a Jewish religious problem. Sosthenes may or may not be the same individual mentioned in 1 Corinthians 1:1.
Gallio’s Judgment Seat The bema or judgment seat was situated in the agora. It served as the platform on which Roman officials stood when making public appearances. Gallio would have sat in judgment at this spot.
The Gallio Inscription (circa 52 A.D.)
The Gallio Inscription Gallio was the proconsul of Achaia while Paul was in Corinth (Acts 18:12). The inscription is written in Greek and is a copy of a decree of the Roman Emperor Claudius (A.D. 41–54) who commanded Gallio the governor to assist in settling additional elite persons in Delphi in an effort to revitalize it. The inscription dates between April and July A.D. 52, and from it we can deduce that Gallio was the proconsul of Achaia in the previous year. Thus, Paul’s eighteen month stay in Corinth (Acts 18:1– 18) included the year 51 A.D. This inscription is critical in helping to establish the Chronology of Paul as presented in the book of Acts.
Paul Departs Corinth via Cenchrea Paul departs Corinth for Syria, taking Aquila and Priscilla with him. (18:18) They sail for Syria from Cenchrea, where Paul had his hair cut off because he had taken a vow (Rom. 16:1-2; 1 Corinthians 9:20)
The voyage to Ephesus covers about 250 miles Neapolis The voyage to Ephesus covers about 250 miles
Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey Paul Visits Ephesus Paul stops briefly in Ephesus and teaches in the synagogue (18:19) When he is asked to stay, he declines but promises to return (18:20-21) Note: His need to keep the feast in Jerusalem may relate to the vow he took in Cenchrea. He sails 600 miles to Caesarea, goes up to Jerusalem, and then down to the brethren in Antioch (18:22)
Neapolis Acts 15:36-18:22
Docks and Shoreline at Caesarea
Neapolis Acts 15:36-18:22