Levels of Processing Demonstration Langston, Cognitive Psychology
Instructions You are going to see a list of words. Each word will have a task with it. Write the answer to the task. Pay attention to the words and try to remember as many as you can. When the instruction to recall appears, write down all of the words you can.
BUS Categorize
CHAIR Categorize
ICE Count e’s
RAT Rhymes with fist?
SHOE Rhymes with fluff?
PEACH Count e’s
MAIL Count e’s
LEAF Count e’s
TAPE Rhymes with sponge?
DOG Categorize
GLASS Categorize
STRING Rhymes with fling?
YARN Rhymes with barn?
RICE Rhymes with dice?
CLOCK Categorize
MAT Count e’s
PHONE Count e’s
FIRE Categorize
Data Analysis Hold those results for a minute, let’s do another one.
Instructions You are going to hear a list of words. Each word will have a task on screen. Write the answer to the task. Pay attention to the words and try to remember as many as you can. When the instruction to recall appears, write down all of the words you can.
- Categorize
-- Categorize
- Count e’s
-- Rhymes with most?
- Rhymes with maple?
-- Count e’s
- Count e’s
-- Count e’s
- Rhymes with hat?
-- Categorize
- Categorize
-- Rhymes with helmet?
- Rhymes with talk?
-- Rhymes with fellow?
- Categorize
-- Count e’s
- Count e’s
-- Categorize
Data Analysis For each list, count the number of words recalled starting with the letters: A-H I-P Q-Z
Data Analysis Let’s get some data: A-H (categorize) I-P (count e’s) Q-Z (rhymes with) List 1 List 2
Data Analysis What we should see is that the “count e’s” and “rhymes with” tasks change places. For visual presentation, rhyming was harder. For verbal presentation, counting e’s was harder.
End Levels of Processing Demonstration