The World of New France Royal Government
Why bring in Royal Government? The company wasn’t fulfilling its requirements (not enough settlers) The English colonies to the South were rapidly growing in population Constant Iroquois raids were a problem
The King steps in (Louis XIV)
New Leadership Minister of the Marine: Jean-Baptiste Colbert First Intendant: Jean Talon Talon will be the real leader on the ground, later working with Governor Frontenac to radically improve the colony.
New settlers under Talon 1500 new people brought by Talon Most are short term labourers and soldiers, though many will choose to stay in New-France. Diversified agriculture Set up some of the first real industry in New France
What was life like as a citizen? No right to vote Only Catholics allowed to hold office No free press (most couldn’t read anyway) No real modern freedoms Slavery was also legal