PATIENT'S BODY WEIGHT CHANGES AND FOOD INTAKE IN HOSPITAL – NUTRITION DAY 2018 AUDIT ID22955 Jevgenija Arensburga1, Justīne Rudzīte-Rjabceva1, and Laila Meija2 1 Medical residency program, Riga Stradiņš University, Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Latvia 2 Department of Sports and Nutrition, Riga Stradiņš University, Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Latvia Introduction 48.1% of patients reported weight loss prior to hospitalization. Disease related malnutrition is serious problem in hospitals leading to increase rate of complications, length of hospital stay and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality and health costs. NutritionDay (nDay) is a worldwide voluntary one-day cross-sectional audit conducted in hospital wards and nursing homes, which includes 64 countries and 7000 health institutions participating. 34.1% of patients who ate “normal” and better during the previous three months also reported weight loss. 31.8% of all patients and 41.9% of patients with weight loss reported reduced food intake prior to hospitalization. 62.0% of patients reported reduced food intake during hospitalization. Aim of the Study The aim of Nutrition day was to assess the risk of malnutition and its prevalance in hospital. Specific task of this study was to identify: food intake body weight changes Materials and methods Project “Nutrition Day Worldwide”, November15, 2018. Cross–sectional study. 125 hospital patients. Place – Pauls Stradins Clinical Univeristy hospital Departments: general surgery, pulmonary, cardio surgery, gastroenterology, neurology. The validated official Nutrition Day Worldwide Patient Questionnaire and patient medical records were used. Data were analyzed using Excel. Results . Conclusions There are indications that loss of body weight and decreased food intake are prevelent in hospitatized patient. Actual, not estimated or self-reported patients’ weights should be used in patients’ medical records for better quality hospital care. Hospital stuff should be aware of patients’ food intake and body weight changes. More attention should be payed to organoleptic features of hospital food. 26% 66%