First Grade Homework Monday, April 29, 2019 – Friday, May 3, 2019 Monday 4/29 Welcome Back! Nut Card Monday! We will be working on Unit 12.2 decoding and encoding words with (aw). Spelling Words 1-10 (law, saw, dawn, lawn, crawl, come, coming, they, our, put) Spelling test Friday 5/3 Reminders: Reading Homework Log due today 4/29 April Reading Responses due Tuesday, April 30th 1. Read for 15 minutes and complete Backpack page 29 Read for fluency “”Up and Dawn” 2. Spelling – Write Unit 12.2 words 1-5 (law, saw, dawn, lawn, crawl) in short simple sentences. Remember to start with a capital, box your new spelling words, and use an end mark to close your sentences. Go Math Lesson 10.2 Make Picture Graphs pages 585-586 Tuesday 4/30 1. Read for 15 minutes Backpack page 30 Spelling list, (cut, review and keep home for practice) 2. Spelling –Write Unit 12.2 memory words 6-10 (come, coming, they, our, put,) in complete sentences. Add your heading to your homework (First and Last name with date 4/30/19) 3. Go Math Lesson 10.3 Read Bar Graphs pages 591-592 4. Math –Work on your basic addition and subtraction facts 1-20 during your spare time. Use your flashcards! Math Fluency Assessment will be administered Wednesday 5/8 Wednesday 5/1 Read for 15 minutes and Backpack page 31 Pattern word review Spelling Write Pattern Words 1-5 (law, saw, dawn, lawn, crawl) in alphabetical order and 3xs’ each! Go Math Lesson 10.4 Make Bar Graphs pages 597-598 Math –Work on your basic addition and subtraction facts 1-20 during your spare time. Use your flashcards Thursday 5/2 Reminder: Math timed test tomorrow! Read for 15 minutes and complete Backpack page 32 Review pattern words Spelling Study all words and Write Memory Words 6-10 (come, coming, they, our, put) in alphabetical order and 3xs’ each in spelling notebook Go Math Lesson 10.5 Read Tally Marks pages 603-604 Friday 5/3 Reminder: 12:00 Dismissal First Friday Mass Grade 1-1 will lead. All Welcome at 9:00am Mass! 1 Read over the weekend and enter the minutes of your reading in your Reading Log! 2. Science – Work on your science fair project! 3 Math –Work on your basic addition and subtraction facts 1-20 during your spare time. Use your flashcards -Have a lovely weekend!