Technology, is that all it takes? Dr. Mary Mwangi September 1 st 2012
Technology, is that all it takes? If all that it takes for students to love science, math… was technology, students would be so much in love by now but, no.
Technology, is that all it takes? If all that it takes for students to understand science, math… was technology, students would be showing major milestone by now but no. Why?
Technology, is that all it takes? That is not all it takes. Dont confuse concepts with strategies You loose students if you are equipped with the strategies but lack the concept
Technology, is that all it takes? You loose students if you are equipped with the concept but lack the strategies Technology is not a concept nor a strategy but a tool.
Technology, is that all it takes? Then what? Technology It is perceived as a learning tool if it enables students to accomplish what they could not accomplish, understand what they could not understand, and attempt what they could not attempt. Otherwise it is a social media, entertainment and a game tool.
Technology, is that all it takes? Otherwise it is just a social media, entertainment and a game tool.
There is a place and time to teach the technology tool, but in science, math… teach them how to use it as a tool for learning. Teach them to question, investigate and answer who, what, where, when, why and how using technology. Technology, is that all it takes?
Maximize the use of the technology around you, plan. Save money from unnecessary technology purchase, plan. Without a plan technology tool is just another gadget taking up space physically, and mentally and consuming money.
Thank you Be the networked instructor For more information and resources on how to integrate technology in classroom to enhance learning visit
Credits Electronics image Understanding image The networked instructor image Deposit photo illustration-Movie-and-entertainment-icons- -Bella-series-part-2.html Thank you Dr. Mary Mwangi